Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:

At our first Ecosocialist/Environmental meeting we discussed the pressing threat of Line 3. We will continue to discuss this in the coming weeks but in our discussion Thursday night the most urgent task seems to be getting the word out about aiding in the effort. 

It sounds like they will likely be in need of wood/pallets/heaters/gloves/socks as well as more people. If you have physical objects to donate be sure to get in touch, we have had at least one member who has offered to bring donations to Palisade.  

In the meantime water protectors are also distributing this link ( which leads to several places to donate and ways to get involved. 

In addition to whatever personal funds we can manage, we hope to donate some chapter funds up to the limit the steering committee can approve ($100) and to discuss the topic of funds and how we can help in more detail during our DSA General Meeting on the 27th (Moved to 2 pm because of a conflict).  

These websites are also good ones for more information:  Hope to see you on the 27th and don't hesitate to get in touch with any thoughts/questions/donation items. You can contact us at [email protected] . We also have established an ecosocialist working group list-serve (Google Group). If you would like to be added to it, reply to this email. 

In solidarity,
Lydia Goustin
Ecosocialist/Environmental Working Group
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