I’m afraid I have some bad news:

A recent poll out of Georgia shows Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock trailing three points behind their Republican opponents 48-51%.

Mitch McConnell and his network of mega-donors are spending nearly $100 million to smear Jon and Rev. Warnock’s campaigns in an effort to keep their grip on power in Washington — and it’s clear that it may be working.

For far too long, McConnell has sat in the driver’s seat in Washington, allowing critical legislation to collect dust on his desk and halting progress at every turn. If he keeps his hold on the Senate majority, he will no doubt block every stitch of progress from the Biden-Harris Administration.

That’s why it’s critical we win Georgia and flip the Senate on January 5th.

If Jon and Rev. Warnock are going to flip these two seats and end Mitch McConnell’s failed majority, they’ll need all the help they can get to spread their message and set the record straight. That’s why I’m asking you personally:

Will you split an urgent contribution between Jon Ossoff, Reverend Raphael Warnock, and our work today? Your donation will go a long way to help flip these two Senate seats and get Washington back to work on the issues that matter most.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed automatically and split between the Georgia Senate Victory Fund and John Hickenlooper:

Thanks for your help on this.

— John