Here's another Giving Tuesday email for you! You good person you!

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Dear John,

Let me tell you, I am not sorry to see the end of 2020. This year has challenged us in every way possible. A global pandemic that upended our lives. Injustices perpetrated against people of color, immigrants and people with disabilities that resulted in civil unrest in communities across the country. A contentious election and a government that seemed in constant disarray. The loss of beloved Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who authored the landmark disability rights case Olmstead v. Lois Curtis.   

I do not want to spend too much time dwelling on the past though. Not when we have so much to do and so many opportunities to get back on course in 2021.  

I am so hopeful that approval of a COVID-19 vaccine will bring an end to this pandemic. Our Network has spent the last nine months fighting on behalf of nursing home and congregate care residents who have been ravaged by the virus. Never has it been clearer that these places are simply too dangerous and cannot be a permanent home for anyone.   

To that end, our very first request of the incoming Biden Administration was for more funding for community-based living so people with disabilities can move out of nursing homes and institutions and into their own homes.  We can never bring back those we have lost, but we can fight for those who remain. And that’s exactly what we plan to do. 

Next year, we will continue this work with the Biden Administration, Congress and in states like yours to expand community living options. We need more affordable housing and better pay for home healthcare aides. We need to strengthen Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act. We need to expand employment and education opportunities. We need to dismantle racist and ableist systems that cause injustice. Most importantly, we need to stop the abuse, neglect and discrimination that people with disabilities face wherever they live, work, and go to school. 

This work will not be easy. So, as we close out 2020 and look forward to a brighter 2021, I am asking you again to consider donating to help support our cause.  

By supporting our work, you will help the Network continue to make our country a better, safer, more inclusive place for people with disabilities. 

Before I sign off, I want to take a moment to say how proud I am of all the people who make up our incredible Network. The attorneys and advocates, the information and referral staff, the outreach and education employees, the boards and advisory councils, and everyone else who make up our disability rights agencies. Like all of us, they have struggled through the pandemic. But they have not paused for one second in their mission to protect and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. I am in awe of them – of you – every day. 

Remember, your gift to NDRN will go a long way to ensure that they have a voice on Capitol Hill and that those working on the frontlines have the training and support they need to fight for people with disabilities who need help. Please give today. 

Thank you, 

Signature of Curt Decker

Curt Decker 
Executive Director 



National Disability Rights Network
820 First Street NE Suite 740 
Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 408-9514 | [email protected]

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