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Dear John,

Corey Lewandowski — the former campaign manager who help put Trump in the White House — is being personally recruited by Trump to run against my friend Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire.

Trump already tweeted his full support for Lewandowski, and if he announces, Trump's allies will be lining up to support him and spend whatever it takes to keep control of the Senate. We can stop them, John, but we need your help.

We have to protect this seat if we want to take back the Senate in 2020. Will you chip in $5 or more to help Jeanne Shaheen win re-election in New Hampshire?

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Jeanne is the GOP's top target because they know New Hampshire will decide who controls the Senate for the next two years. In 2016, Trump lost New Hampshire by a razor-thin margin, and now he thinks it's his best shot at victory in 2020. Let's prove him wrong.

We know there's a lot riding on this race, but Jeanne knows how to put up a good fight. Her fierce determination is why she's the first woman to serve as both a governor and U.S. senator. Jeanne has spent her career advocating for affordable health care, tackling the opioid epidemic, defending women's rights, and expanding economic opportunity. She's willing to break partisan gridlock to get things done, and that's a record to be proud of.

Lewandowski, on the other hand, is one of Trump's most ardent allies. When he isn't lobbying for big oil companies, pay-day lenders, and foreign governments, you can find him filling the airwaves defending Trump's extreme agenda.

John, the choice couldn't be more clear.

The good news is we know we can win. But it's going to take all of us to step up and pitch in what we can to help Jeanne defeat Lewandowski and take back the Senate in 2020.

Thank you,


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