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Fighting Together on Bended Knee


Dear John,

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20 NIV

As part of our Faith in Action initiative, Shared Hope is mobilizing our faith networks and faith communities to fight sex trafficking and protect children. Our New Year 30 Days of Prayer coincides with Human Trafficking Awareness month. We hope you have already signed up to join us in thirty days of prayer, and now is the time to share the link with your networks!  Invite your friends, family and networks to join us beginning January 1st, to culminate with a National Day of Prayer Virtual Gathering on January 31st. 

When they sign up to participate, they will receive a daily email with a focused prayer, scripture, and action item taken directly from Shared Hope’s 30-Day Prayer Guide. As a body of believers, we want to draw on His word and direct our prayers to the broken world around us; to every child regardless of their circumstance; and to everyone who has suffered through sexual exploitation and slavery. 

Share this link to invite others to participate in our January Prayer Campaign at:

We will culminate this month of prayer, not as a closing, but as an introduction to continued prayer in our fight against trafficking. By sharing this email to invite friends to sign up for 30 Days of Prayer you are multiplying the number of people praying!

We look forward to gathering on Sunday January 31st
, (4pm Eastern) for a brief word of inspiration from a special speaker and prayer of encouragement as we move forward into 2021 and continue the fight against child and youth sex trafficking through the power of prayer.

Jo Lembo, Director of Faith Initiatives & National Outreach
Shared Hope International