Big news, John,
In an act of desperation before he leaves office, Trump is doubling down on his
scheme to drill in the Arctic -- and endangered polar bears are facing their
biggest threat yet. Help save endangered polar bears and all who call the Arctic
Refuge home. Rush an emergency $27 contribution to Friends of the Earth.
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The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, also called the American Serengeti, is the
crown jewel of our refuge system. Its abundance and variety of unique Arctic
wildlife is found nowhere else on earth. Its 19.3 millions acres of coastal
lands, boreal forests and alpine tundra are habitat for all three North American
bear species, wolves, moose, caribou, musk oxen, Arctic foxes, eagles, and more.
Over 200 species of birds spend their summers in Refuge breeding grounds, before
migrating to parts of all 50 states each fall.
Here and nowhere else, can you witness sights like polar bears denning alongside
the earth-shaking annual migration of the Porcupine Caribou Herd, which sustains
the communities and way of life for the Indigenous Gwich’in and Iñupiat people.
The Refuge is one of the finest intact wilderness landscapes left on Earth. But
Trump wants to change that.
Stop the Trump administration from turning the Arctic Refuge into a fossil fuel
wasteland -- rush a $27 donation to Friends of the Earth today.
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will go through immediately:
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[[link removed]]This December, a federal court sided with us in our lawsuit, formally rejecting
the disastrous proposed Liberty project -- an artificial drilling island and
underwater pipeline that would contaminate the Beaufort Sea and threaten polar
bears and Arctic communities.
Friends of the Earth, led by members like you, helped fuel this progress -- but
we can’t celebrate yet. At this very moment, the Trump administration is doubling down on its attacks
on the Arctic, putting polar bears and all who depend on this land at risk.
The administration plans to open up seismic testing and drilling on this
pristine wilderness as soon as this winter. This would be devastating to all who
call the Arctic Refuge home -- including the polar bear. The proposed oil
exploration could kill or injure denning mothers and cubs outright, and would
disrupt their ability to find food, sleep, and raise their young. Mother bears
would even be frightened into escaping their den, leaving their cubs abandoned.
This population of polar bears, known as The Southern Beaufort Sea population,
has already declined by 40 percent in recent years. As sea ice vanishes due to
climate change, polar bears are drowning and starving to death. They are among
the most endangered animals in the world.
As the ice melts away, polar bear mothers are increasingly going on land, to the
coastal plain, to build their dens -- where they are particularly vulnerable to
disturbance while denning. Disturbances like testing, drilling, and man camps.
If the Trump Administration gets away with this move, it could mean the end of
the Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears.
Polar Bears need your help, John. Take action today
with a $27 donation to Friends of the Earth.
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will go through immediately:
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[[link removed]]For decades, Big Oil and Gas and their friends in Congress have tried to open
the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge to unregulated oil and gas development.
Trump’s latest and last-ditch attack on the Arctic Refuge violates the rights of
Indigenous people, threatens iconic wildlife like endangered polar bears, and
locks in catastrophic global climate change impacts in one of the most sensitive
and vulnerable ecosystems in the world.
Here’s what Friends of the Earth is doing about it:
Taking them to court
* Congress and the Trump administration have taken illegal actions to
fast-track lease sales and the start of drilling. We are opposing every
single lease sale, one by one, as the Department of the Interior starts
auctioning off the land. We’ve also filed a lawsuit to block the leasing
program completely and stop all new attempts at drilling in the Arctic
Fighting for permanent protections
* We’re advancing national legislation to permanently protect the refuge for
generations to come. And, we are working in solidarity with Indigenous
communities to affirm and safeguard their connection with this land.
Together, we will end the threat of drilling once and for all.
We’re working to stop polluters from destroying the Refuge and other places in
Alaska. This fall, thanks to years of strategic campaigning by Friends of the
Earth, allies, and members like you, the Army Corps rejected the Pebble Mine
project in Bristol Bay, Alaska. The EPA could still approve the project -- so
we’re not giving up the fight yet.
It’s easy to think of the odds against us, and to forget our own ability to make
change. But these recent victories have reminded me that when we combine smart
organizing and people power, we win. We have a plan to save the polar bears, and
it’s working -- the momentum is beginning to shift in our power. We can’t let
all this momentum get erased by Trump’s final desperate gambit. When it comes to
saving endangered polar bears, there is such a thing as being too late.
Will you stand with polar bears and protect the Arctic Refuge with a donation?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation
will go through immediately:
Donate $27 immediately
[[link removed]] Donate $5/month immediately
[[link removed]]Thank you,
Marcie Keever,
Legal director,
Friends of the Earth
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