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Next up in our alumni series: Amir Arman, National Data Manager at Faith in Action.
Q: Tell us about a campaign you directly supported this cycle.
A: I feel a real sense of pride for the work in Arizona because I trained the data organizer there. Even though I wasn’t on the ground, I helped support their work through data and we flipped the state!
Q: In what ways has re:power’s training supported you?
A: re:power’s trainings have given me the knowledge and skill-set to succeed in my job. For example, SQL (a computer database language) is one of the standard tools to have under your belt if you’re in data. Once you get a good understanding of how to do a SQL query you understand how databases work.
Q: What does power look like to you?
A: This has been an evolution for me. Real leadership involves passing on the knowledge -- teaching people how to fish. I’m also Iranian and a lot of people in my community aren’t at the tables right now. I will feel more empowered when my voice and everyone’s voice has the same weight and the same amount of representation. I’m encouraged by seeing more women of color in leadership positions and I hope it continues.
Huge thanks to Amir for sharing his story. As 2020 comes to a close, we hope you’ll make the commitment to support organizing. Please give $25, $50, $250 or more today so that we can continue to train the best and brightest organizers around the country.
In solidarity,
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