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Dear friend,
Hundreds of thousands of volunteers signed up for Vote Forward this yearsearching for a way to do something to connect with their fellow Americans,combat their feelings of frustration and isolation, and express their faith inour democracy. We couldn't be prouder that we were able to provide an outletfor that energy.
Vote Forward has always prided itself on being a lean operation, so we'venever had to ask for donations before. Instead, we've focused on encouragingyou to write letters. But now we need your help. We have big plans for 2021and beyond, and we can only achieve them if we're able to start off the yearon a firm financial footing.
So I'm making a request that you will hear from us very infrequently: Will youconsider making a donation today to help Vote Forward continue our work?
If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donationwill go through immediately.
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Contribute anotheramount
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In concrete terms, these funds will allow us to continue to operate ourincreasingly sophisticated campaigns and support our extraordinarily talentedteam.
Next year we will of course run big letter campaigns for any special electionsand in Virginia in the fall. But we will turn most of our attention to anambitious infrastructure agenda, solidifying our foundations and searching foreven more effective tactics to increase democratic participation.
We plan to:
Run more experiments to refine our understanding of what works so our programs are even more effective in the challenging but critical election cycles to come.
Build tools and programs to make it even easier for volunteers to participate and reach and engage with potential voters throughout the year.
Deepen our partnerships with the dozens of organizations we worked with this year, to collaborate on programs like our recent first attempt at a bilingual letter campaign.
As we look to the future, we continue to be deeply inspired by the storieswe've heard along the way. About letter writing groups springing up around thecountry — first in person, then virtually. About family members connectingduring the pandemic to write letters together. About kids assisting byapplying stickers and stamps, sealing envelopes, adding drawings, and — forthe older ones — writing letters themselves sharing that they will vote inevery election as soon as they're old enough to do so. About volunteersmeeting other volunteers at the post office during The Big Send. And aboutletter recipients signing up to write letters themselves after receivingyours!
We even had some help from The New York Times in telling two of our favoritestories, an
incredibly movingaccount
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of Judy Welles, a minister in Oregon who wrote 15 letters tovoters in Pennsylvania knowing she wouldn't be able to vote herself one lasttime, and
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about Bria East, an educator in Philadelphia, who wasinspired to vote after receiving a letter from Vote Forward volunteer MariaEckert.
These are just a few examples of patterns that we know were repeated all overthe country this year, thanks to the efforts of volunteers like you.
So, will you help us continue to build upon this important work by
making acontribution
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We look forward to continuing our work to support our volunteers, ourConstitution, and our country. This remains a perilous time for our democracy,and we believe the best way to defend it is to participate in it. We'reexcited to continue our work in the years ahead to help activate and inspirethose of us who haven't yet been persuaded that their votes and voices matter.
Scott & The Vote Forward team
P.S. If you have spare envelopes and stamps and/or prefer to send a physicalcheck, we can accept those too! You can make them out to "Vote Forward" andsend them to the address below.
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611 Pennsylvania Ave SE #192
Washington, DC 20003
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