Good afternoon 


2020 has been a pivotal year for the assisted dying campaign. The disruptions of the coronavirus pandemic haven’t stopped our campaign - our movement has adapted and become stronger than ever. Thanks to your past and ongoing efforts, we are now reaching a critical mass of support for assisted dying in Parliament. MP by MP, voice by voice, the call for a change in the law is growing louder. 


Together, we can change the law before the next election in 2024. You can help by joining the thousands already fighting for choice by becoming a member from just £2 a month


Changing the law is a numbers game.  Thanks to Dignity in Dying supporters like you, the numbers in Parliament are shifting in our favour. Every supporter we gain weakens our opposition and shows that their fear-mongering ideology will not work. 


To be sure of a victory when assisted dying returns to the House of Commons, we have to prepare now. During the recent referendum campaign in New Zealand, opponents spent $144,300 on digital advertising alone, which they used to promote smear campaigns and misinformation. We can expect similar tactics to be used against us here. We must be prepared to meet this head on. 


We have to be prepared to put up one hell of a fight. Will you join us?

We cannot forget the lessons we’ve learnt about dying during the pandemic. It’s clear that, now more than ever, dying people need to have every choice available to them. 


You know what a difference an assisted dying law could make to this country and you have the power to make that change happen. We won't win this overnight, but we're closer than we've ever been. By becoming a member today you can ensure that dignity in Dying has the resources, expertise and ammunition not only to keep fighting on more fronts, but to win. 


My sincerest thanks, 


Sarah Wootton

Chief Executive

Dignity in Dying


P.S. We’re entering 2021 with a bold, ambitious plan for law change. You can be a part of it by becoming a member today. ​


P. P. S.  If you're already a member I am so grateful for your support, it makes everything we do possible. Feel free to disregard this request. 


Our campaign is powered by members - people who support us with a small regular gift so we can plan out the most effective actions to bring about an assisted dying law. Sign up and join thousands of other Dignity in Dying members across the country, from just £2 a month:


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Dignity in Dying
181 Oxford Street
London, England W1D 2JT
United Kingdom
