Support independent journalism
Hi Reader,
We’ve entered the last five days of our member drive, and we’re well on our way toward meeting our goal of 1,000 new and renewing donors by Friday. Please take a moment today and join us as a member. Any amount counts, and you’ll be supporting investigative journalism that reveals the stories behind the headlines.
When you make a donation, you’re investing in a critical public service. ProPublica’s journalism is independent of political and commercial interests. And our funding comes mostly from donations from individuals — folks like you who deeply care about journalism that shines a light on corruption and breaches of the public trust.
And this model works: when you give, your donation is combined with gifts from tens of thousands of other ProPublicans. Together, you’ll help power the largest team of investigative journalists in the country. Join this community of like-minded people who believe in the power of ProPublica to shine a light on injustice and hold people in power accountable. If everyone who visited our website today gave just $1, we’d hit our goal for this campaign (and part of the next one). We’re not there yet. Donate today and support this critical work.
Thanks so much,
Jill Shepherd
Proud ProPublican
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