Yesterday, Climate Strikes kicked off across Europe, and throughout the day we witnessed the largest ever climate mobilisation unfold. See how it happened, in highlights: it will make your day!

Hi John,

On Friday, over four million people walked out on the streets of our entire planet to strike for the climate. We were everywhere: loud, diverse, powerful and bold.

It’s hard to describe in words what real climate leadership looks like, so I want to show you instead: take a look at this beautiful video and let the movement speak for itself:

The strikes will continue throughout the week to culminate next Friday, on the 27 September. Last Friday was just the beginning. There’s much more to come. Follow the live coverage on the website and social media for more beautiful content!

A year ago a Global Climate Strike of this scale would have seemed unthinkable. But it’s happening, and our movement for climate justice is gathering momentum every day. The best we can do to win is to keep showing up - keep taking action - keep building our power.

Here’s how you can get started today:

What happens next is up to us. 

Are you ready?


Julia and the whole team

PS: In case you missed it, here's a look at some of the amazing highlights from actions which took place across Europe on Friday, 20 September. is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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