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Trump Campaign taking Constitutional fight to Supreme Court
80 million Americans stand shoulder to shoulder with the Great One.

Trump Campaign taking Constitutional fight to Supreme Court

President Trump’s campaign today issued the following statement:

“Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., ...

Report: Saudi authorities remove antisemitic, anti-Zionist content from textbooks
Made possible by the greatest POTUS in history. It is just a matter of time before Israel and Saudi Arabia establish full diplomatic relations. What President Trump has accomplished in the Middle East is a miracle.

Report: Saudi authorities ...

Rep. Matt Gaetz Says He Will Challenge Electoral College Votes on Jan. 6
EVERY GOP member of Congress has a duty to protect Republican votes. Period. Anyone who aids and abets the theft is an enemy.

Rep. Matt Gaetz Says He Will Challenge Electoral College Votes on Jan. 6

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said on Saturday ...

Pelosi Gives BLM Agitator Cori Bush Seat on Powerful House Judiciary Committee

Burning down cities gets you powerful seats in the D-bag party. They stole the election. They declared war.

You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

Rep.-elect Cori Bush, BLM activist, lands ...

President Trump Calls All Patriots To Washington, on Jan. 6the Electoral Vote in Congress
This is the moment. Will America stand against this death blow to our Constitutional Republic?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2020

President Trump Announces “Big Protest” in ...

Top Pollster: Half of American Voters Say Election Was Stolen

Legacy media destroying its credibility & trustworthiness (see our nearby @Gallup survey retweet) means voters are using alternative information channels – and using them in record ...

Mufti of Jerusalem: Temple Mount ‘is Islamic and Only for Muslims, There is No Place for Non-Muslims’
Imagine the outcry if a non-Muslim leader said Muslims were not welcome at the site of an ancient Muslim holy place. But no one will take any particular notice of this. On Wednesday, the Jerusalem Post reported that “the Palestinian Authority ...

Where Is the Real Al-Aqsa Mosque?
As is well known, the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik, based in Damascus, planted his flag on the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism and the site from where, he wanted Muslims to believe, Muhammad had ascended to Heaven on his winged steed ...

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