Hi John ,

The last few months have been exciting. After launching our campaign, we have been building momentum, growing our team, and laser-focused speaking to as many voters as possible. 

I know how powerful our volunteers are, and I am thankful for everyone's support in our movement.

To end the year on a strong note, I want to invite you to our final Volunteer Huddle of 2020!


I want to share campaign updates with you and discuss what comes next. After the holidays, we'll have a lot to do - and I want you to be a part of it!

Please tune in to our Digital Volunteer on Monday, December 21st, at 6 PM. Sign up here, and we'll follow up with the event link.

I'm looking forward to gathering with you before the Holidays!

In Solidarity,

Elisa Crespo
Candidate for City Council, District 15
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