By Virginia Christian Alliance on Dec 20, 2020 07:20 am
NEW YORK CITY, December 18, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — China had a motive and the influence to steal the 2020 U.S. presidential elections, a pro-democracy Chinese-American media group asserts.
The Epoch Times has released a six-part, 1.5-hour-long investigative documentary called Who’s Stealing America? In the fast-paced, jaw-dropping report, journalist Joshua Philipp investigates allegations of election fraud, media bias, election machine hacking, and the relationship of Dominion Voting Systems to a China-controlled securities firm. He then looks into claims made by leading Chinese professor that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been infiltrating the American elite for almost thirty years, delves into the Biden family’s business affairs in China, and highlights the role of pro-CCP operators in November’s elections.
The post China helped steal U.S. election, concludes hard-hitting Epoch Times documentary appeared first on Virginia Christian Alliance.
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By Lamb and Lion Ministries on Dec 20, 2020 05:32 am
We've gone through quite an election year, haven't we? And, it's not quite over yet, is it? I don't know about you, but I'm quite exhausted by all of the mayhem and uncertainty. No matter how the election results will finally turn out, a lot of people are wondering — did evil win?
The post Why Does Evil Win? appeared first on Virginia Christian Alliance.
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