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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 23 September


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Secularism in the media


Proposed new faith school in Peterborough attracts objections – NSS quoted

The NSS's No More Faith Schools campaign has called for plans for a new faith school in Peterborough to be scrapped.

Peterborough Telegraph


Chief rabbi defends faith schools and criticises secularists – NSS quoted

The chief rabbi has criticised humanists and secularists for their campaigns against faith schools.

Christian Today


Trump hails Indian PM Modi at Texas rally

US president Donald Trump and Indian prime minister Narendra Modi exchanged warm words of friendship in Texas at a rare mass rally for a foreign leader.



Indonesian president postpones plans to outlaw extramarital sex

Indonesia's president, Joko Widodo, has ordered his government to postpone the ratification of a criminal code that would outlaw living together outside marriage, extramarital sex and insulting the president.

The Guardian


‘Segregated schooling helps to divide Scotland’

Neil Barber says it's naïve to dismiss the impact of segregated schooling on Scotland's sectarian divide in a letter.

The Scotsman (via PressReader)


‘Imposing Sharia would be a disaster for Indonesia’

Jawad Iqbal says democracy, free speech and basic rights are under assault in Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim majority population, as its rulers pander to rising religious conservatism, extremism and identity politics.

The Times (£)


Leaked letter suggests US is rallying UN member states to oppose abortion

The US is understood to have written to UN member states urging them to join a "growing coalition" of countries rallying against abortion, in what seems to be the latest attempt by the Trump administration to roll back women's rights.

The Guardian


Ex-Muslims in Lancashire ask council to remove taxi driver’s licence after threatening rant

Ex-Muslims in Preston are petitioning the city council to revoke a taxi driver's licence because they fear for the safety of his customers.

Lancashire Post


Boots pharmacist refuses to give 'humiliated' woman emergency contraception

A young woman says she was left "humiliated" after a pharmacist in Edinburgh refused to supply her with emergency contraception, without explaining why. Religion has been a factor in some recent similar cases.



Priest ‘abused altar boy’ in the Vatican

An Italian Roman Catholic priest has been accused of sexually abusing an altar boy in the sacristy at St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

The Times (£)


‘There’s a new case of a New York rabbi sucking on a newborn’s penis and giving him herpes’

Since 2006, 19 infants in the US have contracted herpes after orthodox rabbis sucked their penises after circumcising them. At least two have died. New York City's Department of Health now reports a new case.

The Friendly Atheist (Patheos)


Latest from the NSS


NSS criticises council for giving church £40k amid local opposition

The NSS has criticised a Dorset town council for spending £40,000 on church repairs despite the Church of England's significant wealth.


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