In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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US president Donald Trump and Indian prime minister Narendra Modi exchanged warm words of friendship in Texas at a rare mass rally for a foreign leader.
Indonesia's president, Joko Widodo, has ordered his government to postpone the ratification of a criminal code that would outlaw living together outside
marriage, extramarital sex and insulting the president.
Jawad Iqbal says democracy, free speech and basic rights are under assault in Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim majority population, as its
rulers pander to rising religious conservatism, extremism and identity politics.
The US is understood to have written to UN member states urging them to join a "growing coalition" of countries rallying against abortion, in what seems to
be the latest attempt by the Trump administration to roll back women's rights.
A young woman says she was left "humiliated" after a pharmacist in Edinburgh refused to supply her with emergency contraception, without explaining why.
Religion has been a factor in some recent similar cases.
Since 2006, 19 infants in the US have contracted herpes after orthodox rabbis sucked their penises after circumcising them. At least two have died. New York
City's Department of Health now reports a new case.
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