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China Engaged in ‘Mass Surveillance’ on Americans’ Mobile Phones, Report Finds
On a side note, a group founded by far-left tech giants Google and IBM is working with a company that is helping China’s authoritarian government conduct mass surveillance against its citizens, The Intercept can reveal.

China Engaged in ...

All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed About The Latest Hunter Biden News, Ranked
This was perfidy. Election interference high crimes. A lot of powerful people have a lot to answer for.

Biden’s Strenuous Defenses Of Son Hunter Inadvertently Make The Case For A Special Counsel

All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed ...

Californians FLEE State in SUCH HUGE NUMBERS, It’s Projected to Lose House Seat and Electoral Vote for First Time
But do not bring your primitive, poisonous politics. Don't befoul red states and destroy them as well.

Californians flee state in numbers so great it is projected to lose House seat and electoral vote for first time

By Andrew Mark Miller, ...

“DON’T MENTION JOE BEING INVOLVED”: Secret Text Messages Expose Beijing Biden’s Direct Link To China
Appalling. And yet instead of rotting in prison, the treasonous Democrats have have staged an election coup in order to install the Chicom president.

Texts from former associates of Hunter Biden ask him to bring his father into a business ...

Some Insurers Now Refusing To Cover Downtown Portland Businesses
What rational insurance company would insure any business in Portland, given the mayor's stance on crime and law enforcement. And when small business owners can't get insurance they can't stay open. Expect an exodus of small businesses from ...

Dueling Electors and the Upcoming Joint Session of Congress
The Epoch Times has provided us with this most excellent primer/explainer:

Dueling Electors and the Upcoming Joint Session of Congress

Presidential candidates in the United States win elections by winning the most electoral votes.

By ...

“If a network system of computers was used to fraudulently affect vote counts…the results would look exactly like this.”
“It is important to understand, Biden 'over-performed' in 'democratic strongholds' – by the same amount he over-performed in 'Trump' counties as long as these machines were used.”

“Some or all of the Dominion/Hart machines may have been ...

Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Case Before SCOTUS Is A Gamechanger
Late Friday, Powell and her team filed a request with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking it to take up a case previously filed in a Detroit federal court, in the hopes the U.S. Supreme Court will take up their case before the Electoral College votes. ...

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