2020 was more no-no-no than ho-ho-ho for a lot of folks.
2020 has been more no-no-no than ho-ho-ho for a lot of folks.

That's why we thought we'd spread a little cheer with a different kind of sale. We're having a Buy One GIVE Two sale for every single product on our Learn website. This is where you can find ALL of our digital products. The deal includes courses, on-demand webinars, and PDF books. Every single one of our authors is on board to give away two of their products for every one that is purchased.

Here's how it works.

GET ONE: When you buy ANY of the products listed here, you will get one.

GIVE ONE: You can give a product to someone you know or to a stranger. If you have someone specific you want to give that same product to, send us a message within 48 hours that contains their email address to [email protected] with the title. If you don't have anyone specific you want to give a book to, you don't need to do anything and we will match you up with a person who is hoping to get that book, but can't swing it right now.

GIVE TWO: We're going to give away ANOTHER ONE for every copy sold.

NEED ONE? Drop us an email to [email protected] and let us know which product you hope to receive this Christmas.

All of the products listed below are included. Click the link to visit the sales page.

18 different titles from 4 authors!

2 full-length courses and 2 on-demand webinars from Selco, Toby, and Daisy

We rely on the honor system when we run events where we offer free books. We keep our prices as low as possible so that these products are accessible to everyone. We trust you not to take advantage because this is how we pay for the website and pay our authors, who have all agreed to participate in this event.

Thank you!

This is a low-pressure sale! We truly appreciate you coming to visit the website and every time you click on one of our articles, it helps. We hope that we have helped you feel better prepared to face this turbulent year and we look forward to providing the same level of excellent information next year as well.

Thank you and have a very Merry Christmas (or the winter festivities of your choice, for readers of other faiths!)

Daisy and the OP Crew