
DSA-LA’s 2019 Annual Convention is our chapter’s highest legislative assembly. It's an exciting opportunity for DSA-LA’s membership to come together for a day of comradely debate as we guide our local’s direction and refine its governing documents. 

RSVP for the Annual Convention here!


The Annual Convention proposals are now live! You can find them here. We encourage you to take time to read through these proposed bylaws changes and chapter resolution proposals.


Do you have ideas for how one of these proposals could be improved? Before the Annual Convention, you may make suggestions to authors for revisions by emailing steeringcommittee(at) by September 29th at 11:59 pm. The proposal authors may then accept any revisions they wish as friendly and notify Steering Committee within 24 hours, who will then update the compiled proposals. The Annual Convention will also allow for floor amendments. You may read about how to make amendments (including the full process for pre-convention revisions) here.

Straw Poll

After the pre-convention revisions process, we’ll be holding a chapter-wide straw poll. The straw poll will help determine which items are most important to our membership, as well as whether items have enough support to be included on a consent agenda. Therefore, it’s important to have as much participation as possible in this straw poll. Please keep an eye out for your straw poll ballot on October 1st!

Key Dates

  • September 22 – September 29: Members may make revisions suggestions to proposal authors
  • September 30: Deadline for authors to submit revisions to proposals
  • October 1: Proposals updated online; straw poll opens
  • October 1 – October 8: Straw poll open
  • October 12: Full agenda released
  • October 19: Our Annual Convention at Immanuel Presbyterian, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m!
  • TBD: Robert’s Rules training!

Proxy Voting at the Convention

Can’t make it to the convention, or you’re only able to be there for part of the day?

If you're currently a DSA-LA member in good standing, you may register for another member in good standing to vote on your behalf. Proxy voting is only available to those who are already members of DSA-LA, as of today's date, September 22nd. This includes members with expired memberships who renew after today's date. First time members, as of tomorrow’s date, September 23rd, may attend and vote at the 2019 Annual Convention, but must be present to receive a voting card.

Please fill out this form by October 12th to register your voting placard with a proxy. Additionally, if you can only be at the Annual Convention for part of the day, you may hand off your voting card to someone who can vote on your behalf for the rest of the day. Members present at the Annual Convention may hold a maximum of 3 voting cards at any given time. 

RSVP and Volunteer!

If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP for the Convention! It’s very helpful for us to gauge how much food to prepare, how many copies of printed materials to make, etc. Additionally, the Annual Convention requires a lot of labor to make happen, and we’ll need volunteers to help with things like signing people in, helping out with child watch, helping with lunch, mic running, and other things of that nature.

If you’re able to help with any of these tasks or others you can think of, please reach out to steeringcommittee(at) 

And we can't wait to see you there!

If you haven’t joined DSA yet, you can join at this link

Once you join, your dues are good for a year. 

If you live in Los Angeles county, outside of Long Beach or Pomona, then you’re eligible to become a DSA-LA member! 

If you’re a DSA-LA member, then you can vote at our convention.

And if you want to pay dues right now but you just aren’t able to cover the expense of it, consider our Comrades for Comrades program, which sponsors dues for new members who request the assistance.

What are you up to this Tuesday? 

Please, if you or your friends are free: TURN UP AT CITY HALL this Tuesday, September 24th for the City Council meeting in Room 340 at 10 a.m. to demand that they vote NO and completely reject the City Attorney's proposed apartheid amendments to LAMC 41.18, which will be on their agenda for discussion! 

Note: They will not be voting to approve the proposal becoming law — they will just be discussing it. But it's still important that we continue to put the pressure on them and make them hear our arguments over and over again! 

We're currently winning the public debate on 41.18. Check out this L.A. Times article on the map of Echo Park that our Street Watch LA membership helped to spearhead and produce in recent weeks. Working in coordination with the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles and the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, the broader #ServicesNotSweeps coalition that we are a part of, proved just how dystopian the City Attorney’s Los Angeles would be, if left unaddressed by the public. 

Let’s not drop the ball on this most vital work now.

Please turn up early, Tuesday, 9 a.m. for a gathering at the front entrance of City Hall East (200 N Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90012) before we go into City Hall and sign up for public comment at 9:30 a.m. Click here to RSVP.


Did You Hear that Bernie Sanders is tied for first (1st) place in the California Democratic Primary? He is.

Let’s make it clear as daylight in the coming weeks that between Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, canceling student debt, investments in public housing, a national rent control law, and a rejection of corporate donations: working class Californians believe in Bernie Sanders’ policies. 

Join your nearest #DSAforBernie canvass this Saturday, September 28th. 

If you’re available in Central L.A., the San Fernando Valley, or the Westside: Let’s show some solidarity with Bernie.

And Join our Bernie 2020 Working Group today!


Tuesday, September 24th

9:00 a.m: All Out to Stop Unhoused Apartheid at City Hall, RSVP

7:00 p.m: Communications Cmt., Westside Mtg., RSVP

Wednesday, September 25th

4:00 p.m: #JackieLaceyMustGo w/ Black Lives Matter & allies, RSVP

7:00 p.m: Healthcare Justice Committee Meeting, RSVP

Thursday, September 26th

7:00 p.m: Agit Prop Committee Meeting, RSVP

Friday, September 27th


Saturday, September 28th

9:00 a.m: Community Building Clinic, RSVP

10:00 a.m: #DSAforBernie, Central Branch Canvass, RSVP

10:00 a.m: #DSAforBernie, Valley Branch Canvass, RSVP

10:00 a.m: #DSAforBernie, Westside Branch Canvass, RSVP

5:00 p.m: Art & Socialism Subcommittee Meeting, RSVP

Sunday, September 29th

2:00 p.m: Local Convention Phonebank, Central Branch, RSVP

2:30 p.m: Solidarity with Food Not Bombs, LA, RSVP

Solidarity Forever! 🌹



Volunteer labor / Donate funds 

RSVP for DSA-LA’s 2019 Annual Local Convention, October 19th

Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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You can also keep up with DSA-LA on Twitter or Facebook.

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