Whether you get a $1,200 check all comes down to how nervous we can make Mitch McConnell about Georgia. That’s because Mitch desperately wants to keep his power as Majority Leader.
Mitch knows he could lose both seats in Georgia if Republicans block desperately needed relief. The worse the polls get for Republicans in Georgia, the more likely they are to agree to survival checks. That’s part of why we’re raising money for Mijente and GALEO’s efforts to mobilize the all-important Latino vote in Georgia.
Mitch McConnell doesn’t care about working families.
But he cares a whole heck of a lot about keeping his throne in the Senate.
He’s willing to let people starve over the holidays.
He’s fine with people getting evicted.
He’ll let COVID spread like wildfire and our hospitals get overrun.
He can tolerate all that. But there’s one thing Mitch McConnell cannot tolerate — and that is the threat of Democrats winning both Georgia Senate seats. Because that would suddenly make him far less powerful in D.C.
Every door we knock, every call we make, and every dollar we donate helps us in two ways. (1) It increases the pressure on McConnell to pass a generous stimulus bill. (2) It gets us much closer to taking the Senate majority away from the Republicans.
Thank you for your activism,
Team AOC