I’ve got to say, team, I’m pretty disappointed by the Supreme Court’s decision yesterday to uphold gerrymandering.

It’s just plain wrong for elected officials to choose their voters, instead of the other way around. That’s exactly what gerrymandering does.

If a candidate never has to run in a competitive election, it’s hard for voters to hold them accountable. I don’t know about you, but that sure doesn’t sound like a democracy to me.

It’s our job to act where the Supreme Court won’t.

I’m leading the fight in Congress to pass big reforms of our democracy that get dark money out of our politics, close the revolving door that lets lobbyists buy influence in Washington, and end gerrymandering once and for all.

But the big Super PACs and mega-donors who’ve had their way in Washington are going to spend a heck of a lot to stop anyone who stands in their way. You can bet they’ll be poring over our fundraising numbers after the FEC deadline on Sunday to see what we’re made of.

That’s why I have to ask. Will you pitch in any amount before Sunday’s deadline? Anything you can give helps me keep fighting to end gerrymandering and get dark money out of our elections >>


Thanks for pitching in today.

— Jon