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Dear Friends of Identity,

This may be one of the biggest thank-you notes we’ve ever received.  And it’s all because of friends like you, whose gifts to Identity carried Denia and her loved ones through difficult times.

Denia C. came to Identity in desperation. She and her husband were the sole support for eight young people in their extended family, but when COVID-19 hit and her husband was laid off, their savings weren’t enough. Denia was in great distress, worried that he would take a more dangerous job and get sick. Nightmares of the extreme poverty she experienced as a street vendor in Honduras were overwhelming.  In search of a way to save her family, Denia knocked on many doors. Then she found Identity. 

An Identity case manager helped her access food and clothing, and shared information on COVID-19 care and prevention. Most importantly, Identity provided emergency cash assistance to prevent eviction and give them financial breathing room.  Now Denia is paying it forward as a promotora, spreading the word on emergency food, clothing and housing aid to the most isolated and desperate families she knows. 

Every gift makes a difference

Denia's family is one of 5,773 families we have helped since March, with hundreds more families reaching out for help each week.

Please Donate

During this pandemic - Keep vulnerable students connected to school, older youth to work and parents able to help them with a gift to Identity. You can donate securely online, or mail a check to Identity, c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 300, Rockville, MD 20855.

Con gratitud,

Diego Uriburu
Executive Director

Copyright © 2020 Identity, All rights reserved.
We send updates periodically to friends of Identity and individuals who have supported our work.

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c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 300
Rockville, Maryland 20855

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