John, Because of you… the MRC is still fighting the elitist, leftist media. Harder than ever. If you've already given, THANK YOU — received. We wanted to follow through with our promised note to complete these thoughts from our December 15th email. Some leftist media figures, such as CNN’s Jake Tapper, are calling for blacklisting Trump supporters. He tweeted: “I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing — it’s not easy — but at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity.” But Jake Tapper and the other leftist media heroes are wrong. America is not ready to become a socialist country. The election proved it. And if historical precedent is any indication, the Left could be in for a rude awakening in 2022. But not if the corporate media is allowed to be cheerleaders for the Biden/Harris White House. They will lie about successes. They will report neither the scandals nor the failures. But we will with your support. Please, give a one-time gift of $37 or your best gift amount to the MRC. Better yet, join our Patriot Fund with a monthly gift starting at $5/month. MRC has fortitude, resolve, and truth on our side, along with a dedicated, hard-working staff of conservatives. What we need is you. John, we know you believe in our mission, that’s why you are here. We’re asking for your most generous possible contribution today. Please consider a tax-deductible donation today. We understand that 2020 presented many challenges, and if $37 is not possible, your donation of $25 is urgently needed and will be greatly appreciated. The Biden administration will be an unprecedented failure. Think Carter Administration, only worse. The Democratic Party is fractured between “moderates” and socialists, with the socialists rapidly gaining the upper hand. The 2020 election shows the American people do not support the far-left legislative agenda. Working Americans do not want Joe Biden’s three trillion dollar tax hike, his ban on fracking, or his promise to implement the so-called “Green New Deal” — perhaps the biggest job- and prosperity-killing idea to ever come to Washington. A centerpiece of the Biden campaign was the resurrection of ObamaCare, a government takeover of healthcare so unpopular it brought about a GOP wave election and takeover of Congress. Our ability to undermine the power of the corrupt media to shape and define the news over the next four years is essential! And increasingly, we face the challenge of taking on not just Big Media, but Big Tech (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google). It’s no secret that Silicon Valley skews sharply left and worked hard to elect Biden. Big Tech censored the late-breaking story of Joe Biden’s son Hunter receiving millions from communist China. A story, if known, our MRC research shows may well have pushed Trump into the winner’s column. Now the social media giants are shutting down discussion of election irregularities. Just since November 30, Twitter has censored President Trump’s personal account 111 times, as he commented about questionable ballots and election counts. Since May 2018, Twitter has censored the president a grand total of 436 times. In contrast, Biden and his campaign received ZERO forms of censorship or suppression. Federal Election Commission (FEC) records have revealed that left-wing billionaire globalist George Soros gave $1 million through his super PAC to a major Big Tech scheme to oust President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. And now we know Biden has added dozens of current and former Big Tech employees to his transition team — including former staffers from Facebook and Twitter. You can see we are facing a huge challenge now. Every element of our MRC “media bias neutralization machine” must work non-stop in the coming months. No other conservative group has our capability to confront leftist media bias – and actually do something about it. Every single day, millions of Americans receive our antidote to the poison of left-wing media bias. That must continue stronger and bolder than ever in 2021! MRC TechWatch exposes the extreme left-wing and anti-conservative bias of America’s powerful media tech companies that control the Internet and social media. Which you can see from the 2020 election is one of the biggest challenges we conservatives face today. Understanding the existential threat to our constitutional democracy from Big Tech’s draconian censorship of conservatives, MRC recently added another weapon to our media bias-busting arsenal, CensorTrack, an archive of specific examples of the online censorship of conservative ideas. MRC is ready to take on the Silicon Valley cyberbullies! All our MRC divisions are essential if we are to educate the American public and neutralize the all-out media drive to make Biden and Harris look like winners when their policies inevitably fail and bring hardship, joblessness, and misery to millions of Americans. This coming year, all of our divisions need to be bigger — much bigger — than they are now to do that job. John, this is our end of year appeal for your giving in 2020. We’re asking for your most generous possible contribution today. We ask you to please consider a tax-deductible donation of $37. If that amount is not possible, your donation of $25 is urgently needed and will be greatly appreciated. The stakes could not be higher. As a non-profit organization, we are wholly dependent on the generosity of spirited patriots like you. Do you want our beloved republic to be overrun by socialists, anti-capitalists determined to redistribute your wealth and dismiss your beliefs — destroying the American way of life that we all so cherish? YOU HAVE THE POWER TO STOP IT! Together, we can save America. Our future generations are depending on us. Let’s not let them down. Give today, or there is no tomorrow.We thank you for all you do to help us save America. God bless you, and may you and your family have a very merry Christmas. — The MRC P.S. If you prefer mail over online giving, you can print out our PDF form here. It has all the instructions on how to mail in a gift. (If you’d like your gift to be matched — DOUBLED — be sure to mention “End of Year Online Giving” in the “Subject of email received” field on the form.) Please note: the USPS is running slow -- the quickest and most efficient way to give is online. P.P.S. Does your company offer year-end corporate matching on donations to 501(c)(3) non-profits? Be sure to inquire with your HR or Accounting team! If so, your gift could TRIPLE because a major donor is matching all online gifts through Dec 31! (When you use your work email address on this donation form, it gives us the ability to automatically send you match-eligible information for your specific company.) |
Media Research Center | 1900 Campus Commons Drive, Suite 600 Donate | Unsubscribe from ALL MRC communications The mission of the Media Research Center is to create a media culture in America where truth and liberty flourish. The MRC is a research and education organization operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and contributions to the MRC are tax-deductible. |