Tuesday, January 19 STAND! 7p, FREE via Eventive; RSVP here Q&A with Director Robert Adetuyi, Composer/Producer Danny Schur & select stars Sponsored by American Income Life
An immigrant Romeo & Juliet battle for love and a better future during a time of social upheaval. Director Robert Adetuyi (“Stomp the Yard”, “Bring It On”) teams up with two-time Emmy Award-winning cinematographer Roy Wagner in this movie adaptation of Juno-award-winning composer Danny Schur & Rick Chafe’s hit musical.
"Stand! tells the important story of the power of collective action. Workers should see this film to learn not only about labor history but the important value of fighting for our rights and greater justice." -Richard Trumka, President, AFL-CIO
Director: Robert Adetuyi; Writers: Rick Chafe, Danny Schur; Stars: Laura Slade Wiggins, Gregg Henry, Marshall Williams and Lisa Bell. 2019; 1h 50min; Drama, History, Musical; December 2020 (USA)
SEE “RADIUM GIRLS” AND SUPPORT CLUW If you missed the recent screening of the new film Radium Girls -- or want to see it again or share it with friends/colleagues -- you can catch it here, where $2 of the ticket will go to support the Coalition of Labor Union Women’s work creating connections between the feminist movement and the labor movement in the United States. Based on true events of the 1920’s, Radium Girls stars Emmy and Golden Globe nominee Joey King and Abby Quinn as teen sisters dreaming of Hollywood and Egyptian pyramids while they paint glow-in-the-dark watch dials at the American Radium factory in New Jersey. But when Jo loses a tooth, Bessie’s world is turned upside down as a mystery slowly unravels and leads to a lawsuit against American Radium. The notorious case ultimately led to a lasting impact in the area of workplace health and safety as well as the study of radioactivity. "The film was amazing," said one attendee. "So beautifully made and with such an important and meaningful subject." NOTE: if you'd like to give someone a ticket as a holiday gift, just click on "Give as a gift" on the ordering page.
Your Rights At Work presents THE SAN FRANCISCO MIME TROUPE’S “A RED CAROL” Thursday, December 24, 2020 1:00p EDT on WPFW 89.3FM For the first time the San Francisco Mime Troupe presents a holiday radio/podcast offering with a SFMT worker’s take on the Dicken’s classic in A Red Carol. With its particular blend of activism, comedy, music, and passion the SFMT's labor-oriented adaptation of Dickens "A Christmas Carol” reclaims this revolutionary classic as a story not of the redemption of one bad man, but as the never-ending story of all of us making the world a more progressive place. Celebrate a season of solidarity; tune in at 1:00pm (in Union City Radio's "Your Rights At Work" regular time slot) on WPFW 89.3FM on Christmas Eve!
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and www.unionist.com as the source for Today’s Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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