Weekend Edition, December 19-20, 2020

Survey Confirms: We’re Killing Ourselves. It’s a Lifestyle/Dietary Disease. Vaccines Won’t Help

Bill Sardi

The End Is Coming Very Soon, and Few Americans Are Willing To Do Anything To Stop It

Gary D. Barnett

How the State Spreads Mass Hysteria

Philipp Bagus

Unhinged… And Then Some!

David Stockman

A ‘Case’ You Probably Didn’t Read About

Eric Peters

The Disappearing Retirement Fund

Jeff Thomas

Hungary Passes Constitutional Amendment Protecting Child’s Right To Identify as its Birth Gender

Paul Joseph Watson

The Gyre Widens

James Howard Kunstler

SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Proven To Exist; I Can Do This Forever

Jon Rappoport

Time To Heel – Or Fight

Jim Quinn

‘It’s Not Over’: Why Team Trump Continues To Fight Regardless of Electoral College Voting for Biden

Ekaterina Blinova

Covid-19 Testing Scandal Deepens

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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