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First Arizona, Now Georgia! Official Warned Counties Not to Grant Open Record Requests for Voting Software: Memo
AZ: Maricopa County Board REFUSES to Allow Audit of Dominion Machines Despite Subpoenas

Counties Not to Grant Open Record Requests for Voting Software: Memo

Georgia’s elections director in November sent a memo warning counties that voting ...

AZ: Maricopa County Board REFUSES to Allow Audit of Dominion Machines Despite Subpoenas
The machines have been subpoenaed – they do not have a choice. Absolute lawlessness.

BREAKING: Maricopa County Board Refuses to Allow Audit of Dominion Machines

By The Election Wiz, December 18, 2020:

PHOENIX — The Maricopa Board of ...

SCOTUS Staffer Overheard Roberts, “I Don’t Give a Sh*t About Bush/Gore, We Didn’t Have Riots Then”
What a coward. He's unworthy of the robe let alone 'Chief Justice.”

Watch! Team Trump must be allowed to have a fair hearing at the SCOTUS.

What's worse? Roberts being a politician or Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett all being sheep and ...

President Trump: Republican Senators Should Object to Electoral College Votes
Each will be held to account. And if they shirk their duty, they will be the next victim of Democrat election theft.

Trump: Republican Senators Should Object to Electoral College Votes

President Donald Trump on Thursday urged senators to ...

Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County That Reported Biden Win on Election Night
We need this in every country, in every state in America.

Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County That Reported Biden Win on Election Night

By Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times, December 18, 2020:

A hand recount on Wednesday confirmed ...

Pentagon Halts Biden Transition Briefings

Pentagon halts Biden transition briefings

Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller ordered a Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with the transition of President-elect Biden, ...

From Uncle Joe Stalin to Dementia Joe, the Dems’ Tradition of Treason Continues
Long before their embrace of Red China (recall the prevalence of actual “Maoists” in the Obama White House), the Democrats vociferously defended Soviet communism for half a century, and even looked favorably on Fascism (FDR was admitted admirer ...

Mitch McConnell Received Donations from Voting Machine Lobbyists Before Blocking Election Security Bills

It’s wild, no matter how it rolls and rocks

Think about what we’ve learned in the past few weeks

Not just everyday run-of-the-mill voter fraud that the whole country ...

18 House Members, House and Senate Committee Chairs Join Rep Brooks Request Election Fraud Hearings Before January 6th Electoral College Vote
In a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi, eighteen House colleagues and various House and Senate committee chairs join Rep. Mo Brooks in seeking election fraud hearings ahead of the Jan 6th Electoral College vote ...

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