We are finally on the verge of a bipartisan agreement to pass a desperately-needed stimulus package and provide relief to struggling families and small businesses across the country.

But with a government closure looming, Republicans just introduced a new demand to restrict the Federal Reserve’s ability to restart lending programs to troubled small businesses.

People are hurting, and relief cannot wait. Add your name to demand that Senate Republicans drop their last ditch effort to knee-cap the economic policy options available to the Biden Administration and pass this COVID relief agreement IMMEDIATELY. >>

Congress cannot be permitted to leave town without getting this deal done. Folks are hurting and emergency unemployment benefits, eviction protection, and other critical support for millions struggling as a result of this pandemic are about to expire. We can't let that happen.

Enough with the partisan games. Congress cannot adjourn without a deal. Add your name here if you agree. >>

Thank you for raising your voice today. I will keep fighting until this is done and relief is on the way.

Stay safe,



Paid for by Van Hollen for Senate

Van Hollen for Senate | 10605 Concord Street, Suite 202 | Kensington, MD, 20895

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