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Republican Party of Virginia Logo
You know that Georgia has critical elections on January 5th, but did you know that Virginia has two special elections also?
Heather Mitchell and Sylvia Bryant are the Republicans running for delegate in the 2nd and 90th districts, respectively.
They need all the help they can get if they're going to take back some of the power that the Democrats have. Can you chip in just $10 to win these special elections?
We can't do it without YOUR help.
Best regards,
Chairman Anderson's Signature
Richard L. Anderson
Republican Party of Virginia
Paid for by Republican Party of Virginia, Inc.

115 E Grace St RICHMOND, VA 23219

Contributions to Republican Party of Virginia are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited.

RPV Chairman Rich Anderson
115 E. Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23219
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