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Let's keep marching towards justice in 2021

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Dear friend and fellow sojourner, 
2020 has been a long, hard year for all of us, but there have been sparks of hope – and you have been one of those sparks. 
As the donor services fellow in the Sojourners Fellowship Program, I speak to Sojourners supporters over the phone and have been deeply moved to hear how Sojourners’ work has touched each of your lives in some way. It speaks volumes about this mission of building a movement that transforms our communities.
I live in intentional community with eight other members of the fellowship program. Living in community has helped me make sense of a troubling, disheartening, and confusing time, while simultaneously inspiring hope for the year to come. It has offered me time to slow down and re-center my life around what I value.
In experiencing one another’s gifts, our community recognizes how each person is one part of a body. When our country is so divided, sticking together is an act of resistance. Sharing encouragement, resources, and community is holy. 

Partner with us and give a year-end gift today

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Our donors are committed to pursuing the biblical call to social justice. They are a part of a national network of like-minded people from all walks of life, who can be found reading, protesting, and mobilizing around the most important issues of our time. They don’t just talk the talk, they actively answer God’s call for justice. And they do it in community.  
Kenneth Baker, a Sustainers Circle member since 2007, says: 
“I support Sojourners because of its commitment to speak prophetically into the issues and developments of our times that cry out for justice, and to do so in a way that gives me hope and offers hopeful paths for action. I chose the Sustainers Circle to ensure that Sojourners’ mission has my ongoing and uninterrupted support.” 
To make tangible progress in the march toward justice, we’ve got to stick together. To bring Jesus’ teachings of serving the most vulnerable to the mainstream, we’ve got to stick together. To enter 2021 with hope for a better future, we’ve got to stick together.
In peace,
Makayla Long, Sojourners
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