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Wind, Solar, and Gas: Managing the Risk's of America's Clean Energy Transition

by Clayton Munning

President-elect Joe Biden has set an ambitious goal for achieving zero carbon emissions from the nation’s power sector by 2035. The U.S. electric grid therefore faces a dual challenge: meeting growing demand for power while also decarbonizing the energy it supplies, which is essential to avert catastrophic climate change. At the same time, the challenge of maintaining an affordable and reliable grid is becoming more complicated, because of the increased frequency of extreme weather and the rapid growth of distributed renewable power – especially wind and solar – that is variable and unpredictable. It’s imperative that U.S. policymakers keep the nation’s environmental and energy needs in balance as the shift to renewables accelerates.

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Successful Push for Stimulus Checks Worsens Covid Relief Bill

by Ben Ritz

The bipartisan Covid relief bill working its way through Congress appears to have worsened thanks to demands by the Congressional Progressive Caucus, along with Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Josh Hawley (R-MO), that the package include a second round of stimulus checks.



Without Federal Aid, Poverty Will Rise

by Brendan McDermott

Dr. James X. Sullivan, a professor at the University of Notre Dame, was shocked when he and his colleagues discovered that poverty did not rise when the pandemic began, despite much of the economy freezing to a halt.



Progressive Policy Institute's David Osborne on Creating New Innovation Schools Guide at a Moment of Crisis

As our public education system continues to experience unprecedented challenges related to the pandemic, the Progressive Policy Institute’s David Osborne and Tressa Pankovits thought now would be a good time to offer a how-to guide on creating innovation schools.



Innovation Schools and Zones: The Key to 21st Century Public Education

Reinventing America’s Schools at Progressive Policy Institute led a session on the spread of “innovation” or “partnership” schools: district schools in a variety of models, with full autonomy and accountability for performance. Learn how these 21st Century schools are structured and designed, and hear from experts from around the country who are implementing and operating them now. Innovation Schools and Zones: The Key to 21st Century Public Education features experts from around the country who are implementing and operating these schools now.



A New Vision for Independent Workers: Lessons Learned from California's Prop 22

As America fights COVID-19, and tries to heal the economy, more Americans than ever have turned to independent work to make ends meet. In California—the country’s most progressive big state—voters passed Prop 22, a new vision to keep workers’ independence but add access to benefits. What lessons can be learned from that landslide victory? What were the key arguments—and voter groups—that drove the success of that effort?


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