A Stronger Louisiana


We know Governor John Bel Edwards has been hard at work for Louisiana in 2020. Despite the obstacles put in his way by a hostile legislature and self-serving politicians, he's never wavered. Yesterday, we told you we're counting down Governor Edwards' top five accomplishments from the past year. A Stronger Louisiana is leading the fight to defend these accomplishments and we hope you'll join us. Today, we're giving you another reason to join the fight.

This past year under Governor Edwards' leadership our state has made huge strides in restoring and protecting Louisiana's coast. This year alone the Edwards administration advanced over 100 coastal restoration projects across coastal Louisiana. With a record-breaking 49 projects now in active construction, Governor John Bel Edwards delivered for coastal Louisiana and its communities in 2020.

Our coast is better prepared for the storms ahead because we've got a Governor who gets things done. But to keep up the hard work, he needs all of our support. We're here to make sure he gets it. Show Governor Edwards your support by pitching in.

Whether it's coastal restoration or economic development, our Governor is working hard to deliver real, tangible results for the people of Louisiana.

But some politicians are more interested in obstruction than they are in the work that needs to be done for Louisiana. 

Our state can't afford to do nothing. Governor Edwards needs our support so he can keep up the hard work. A Stronger Louisiana is dedicated to making sure he gets the support he needs. Donate $15 right now so the work can go on in 2021.

A Stronger Louisiana
700 Camp Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States

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P.O. Box 4572, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

Contributions or gifts to A Stronger Louisiana are not tax deductible.