
BREAKING: We are urging U.S. law firms to abstain from hiring former Trump administration lawyers.

As the Trump administration prepares to end its tenure, many of its officials are seeking positions in the nation’s major law firms. But the constant, unprecedented attacks on the rule of law committed by Trump and his allies, often with the aid of these attorneys, make them a liability for any firm considering them. Taking them in would tarnish these firms’ prestige and dishonor their partners and employees.

Sign if you agree: U.S. law firms must not hire former Trump administration lawyers.

Over the past four years, the Trump administration has violated a broad range of laws, including laws regulating the conduct and conflicts of executive branch officials, as well as those affecting ordinary civilians. Administration attorneys have been complicit and, in many cases, played essential roles in these abuses of power, including:

  • Advocating spurious legal theories to support forcible separation of small children from their families;
  • Supporting the deployment of armed federal agents to unlawfully repress peaceful protests;
  • Helping orchestrate a years’ long pattern of obstruction and resistance to lawful demands of criminal and Congressional investigations;
  • Leveraging the DOJ to intimidate political enemies with baseless charges;
  • Improperly abandoning or seeking to undermine valid prosecutions in order to benefit Trump and his associates; and
  • Counseling and facilitating pardons of allies who violated laws integral to federal investigations and due process.

Any major law firm which seeks to maintain a reputation of professionalism, probity, and pragmatism must not hire any lawyers who served as political appointees, whether as attorneys or otherwise, in the Trump administration. Associating with ex-Trump lawyers would dishonor their partners, their employees, and their good name.

Sign if you agree: U.S. law firms must not hire former Trump administration attorneys.

In solidarity,

Free Speech For People

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