Liberty Mutual is violating Indigenous rights. From the tar sands and its pipelines to Arctic oil and gas drilling, Liberty is insuring the destruction of Indigenous lands and waterways and threatening our peoples' way of life. Again and again, Liberty has refused to meet with Indigenous communities impacted by the fossil fuel projects that they are backing.
We are taking action to demand that Liberty Mutual meet with Indigenous communities and stop insuring toxic Arctic drilling and tar sands infrastructure.
Liberty’s executives have refused to make space in their calendars to meet with us, to talk to our leaders, whose lands, livelihoods, and cultures Liberty is threatening with its business practices.
So we’re filling the calendar of Liberty Mutual’s CEO, David Long, and other executives with hundreds of invitations to remind them of the meeting requests that he is ignoring – will you join us?
Last week, Liberty announced that it was joining an international network on responsible investing because of its commitment to build “prosperous and inclusive societies for future generations.” But we know that these words mean absolutely nothing if the insurance giant continues to insure and invest in fossil fuel expansion on Indigenous lands without our consent.
Right now, Indigenous-led resistance to stop lease sales in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and pipeline construction is heating up, as the Trump Administration tries to ram through as much destructive infrastructure in its final days in office. The urgency for action cannot be understated.
Without insurance coverage, none of these toxic projects can move forward, which is why this is such a critical window to move Liberty Mutual.
Click here for instructions on how to flood the email calendars of Liberty Mutual’s executives.
Earlier this week, UK insurance marketplace Lloyd’s committed to stop insuring and investing in coal, tar sands, and Arctic exploration. Though the policy is not strong enough, it sends a powerful signal to Liberty Mutual that it cannot continue to provide unchecked support to these sectors.
It’s way past time for Liberty Mutual to listen to Indigenous Peoples and take a stand for our collective futures.
Help us make that message reverberate within the company.
On behalf of our peoples and the hundreds of communities, villages and tribes they represent, we send this message.
In solidarity,
Jody Potts, Native Movement & Dallas Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network
P.S. The Intercept wrote an incredible piece this week on Indigenous-led efforts to demand that insurance companies respect Indigenous rights. Check it out, and share it here!
Established in 1990, The Indigenous Environmental Network is an international environmental justice nonprofit that works with tribal grassroots organizations to build the capacity of Indigenous communities. I EN’s activities include empowering Indigenous communities and tribal governments to develop mechanisms to protect our sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, the health of both our people and all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities.