Oldham, along with the rest of Greater Manchester, remains in the Very High tier, tier 3. The next review will be Wednesday 30 December.
In all tiers non-essential retail shops, gyms and hairdressers have reopened as well as communal places of worship. Schools, colleges and universities are also to remain open.
However, in Tier 3 pubs, bars and restaurants remain closed, but can serve takeaway meals.
Changes to self-isolation If you’ve tested positive or live with someone that’s tested positive for coronavirus, the time you need to self-isolate for has changed from 14 days to 10 days from when you/they had the test or when the symptoms started. For more information click here. We can help this Christmas We've been doing lots of work to ensure residents are supported over the Christmas period, including providing free school meal vouchers and help with heating homes etc.
Help is still available if you’re worried about your wellbeing, are struggling financially, or need food over Christmas. Just call our helpline between 9am–12noon on the following days:
Thursday 24 December
Tuesday 29 December
Wednesday 30 December
Thursday 31 December
You can ring the helpline on 0161 770 7007.
For other winter support, or to lend a hand, visit the Action Together website here.
Christmas closures Many of our services are closed during the Christmas and New Year holidays. However, for some services replacement teams are in place. For a full list of opening and closing times visit www.oldham.gov.uk/christmas_closuresExpecting a phone call to book in for your Coronavirus vaccine? Oldham’s Coronavirus vaccination programme has started with residents aged over 80 and frontline health and social care staff workers now receiving the vaccine.
We are asking you not to contact your GP practice about the vaccination. When a vaccine is available for you, your practice or member of NHS staff will contact you to invite you in for a vaccination.
For more information about the booking system in Oldham, please click here or for more information about why the vaccination is safe and important, please visit the NHS website here.
Help us to shape the Oldham Cultural Strategy Together with our partners, we’re working to develop a new vision and strategy for creativity and culture in Oldham. Whether your interest is personal or professional, we want your views on art, archives and collections, dance, libraries, literature, museums, music and theatre. Help us to make the cultural offer in Oldham better for all by completing this short survey here.
Get festive with Oldham Music service tonight 🎵🎄 Sit back and enjoy a virtual Christmas Performance online from Oldham’s Music Centre tonight (Friday 18 December) from 7.30pm on Oldham Council's Youtube Channel.
Find out more here.
If you're looking for a winter walk, try Daisy Nook Daisy Nook offers more than 40 hectares of brilliant landscape in the heart of Medlock Valley – why not bring the family along and do a spot of bird watching this weekend? For a map, click here.
Merry Christmas from Oldham Libraries This Christmas, Oldham Libraries is gifting 1,000 books to families across the borough. Costa Coffee together with leading charity, The Reading Agency, are sharing the gift of reading with local communities – including some of those hardest hit by the pandemic – and Oldham Libraries have been successful in securing 1,000 packs to gift to local families.
The packages will contain one adult book, one children’s book (age 7+ but can be read to younger children) a children's activity sheet and a range of Costa Coffee treats. Oldham Council is working with partners across the borough to gift the packs to local communities.
#Hatsoff4KeyWorkers Take your hat off to our Greater Manchester key workers for all their incredible work in 2020. Simply post a picture on social media taking your hat off with the hashtags #HatsOff4KeyWorkers #GMheroes to show your support.
Christmas ring-round from MioCare Each year in the run up to Christmas Day, MioCare make sure that every single person that has Helpline installed in their home gets a phone call. This is to ensure people have the right support in place to remain healthy and independent over the festive period. To read more on this, click here.
The 2020 Christmas WOW Bed in the town centre
Let’s Talk Budget We want you to have your say on our budget proposals.
We’re looking to save more than £30million as a result of the continuing financial pressures of the Coronavirus and increased demand for services.
We’ve come up with a range of proposals to cut spending and change the way the council operates. These proposals are now available to view here.