The governor who stole Christmas—and the California businesses fighting back

Small business owners across California have struggled to survive this year in the face of the coronavirus pandemic and related shutdown orders. And in Grinch-like fashion, Gov. Gavin Newsom stole what little festive cheer remained this holiday season with new, draconian stay-at-home orders.

Daniel Ortner tells us that unlike The Grinch, however, a change of heart appears unlikely for Newsom anytime soon, and now he must be held accountable for his unlawful exercise of power.

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In addition, Luke Wake appeared on KUSI’s Good Evening San Diego to discuss business owners’ fight to rein in Gov. Newsom’s unconstitutional rule-making and restore the proper limits of government.


Can they really do that? What are the limits of government during COVID-19?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S. in March, state governors have imposed restrictions that would have been unthinkable at this time last year. These drastic actions have left many wondering about the limits of government officials’ power—and whether that power changes during times like these.

The simple answer is that—there’s no simple answer.

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Professors cannot be excluded from First Amendment rights

At its best, academia is a place where controversial ideas are expressed and students are exposed to unsettling and uncomfortable topics. But increasingly, conformity and coddling have become the norm. And professors who dare to say anything provocative or contrary to the prevailing narrative are targeted, punished, or even fired.

One telling example, according to Daniel Ortner, is Tim Boudreau, a tenured professor and chair of the Central Michigan University Journalism Department who was unceremoniously fired. His crime? Accurately quoting the language of a court decision in a free speech case that CMU lost—in a class about free speech.

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Morning Docket will be on break for the next two weeks and back on January 8 to keep you up to date on PLF's fight for liberty. Happy New Year!

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