U.S. newsroom employment has dropped by a quarter since 2008
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Pew Research Center

July 13, 2019

Trump draws stronger support from veterans than from the public

A majority of American veterans approve of the way Trump is handling his duties as commander in chief, with about half saying his administration’s policies have made the military stronger. Even so, significant shares of veterans are dissatisfied with Trump’s leadership, and many wish he would rely more on military leaders when making national security decisions.

Majorities of U.S. veterans, public say the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not worth fighting

Nearly 18 years since the start of the war in Afghanistan and 16 years since the U.S. invasion of Iraq, majorities of U.S. military veterans say those wars were not worth fighting. These views are shared by the broader public.

A growing number of American teenagers – particularly girls – are facing depression

Depression has become increasingly common among American teenagers – especially girls, who are now almost three times as likely as boys to have had recent experiences with depression.

U.S. newsroom employment has dropped a quarter since 2008, with greatest decline at newspapers

Newsroom employment continues to decline, driven primarily by job losses at newspapers, which shed about 33,000 newsroom jobs between 2008 and 2018. Newspapers now employ 44% of all newsroom workers, down from 62% in 2008.

State of the News Media

Explore our fact sheets on the state of the news media to find new data on key audience and economic trends for newspapers, audio and podcasting and Hispanic and black news media. You can also read our full collection of fact sheets on the U.S. news media industry. Stay tuned for more fact sheets this summer.

The countries with the biggest projected population gains – and losses – by 2100

Four of the 10 most populous countries in the world will no longer be among the top 10 in 2100 – and all four will be supplanted by rapidly growing nations in Africa. Meanwhile, India is expected to replace China as the world’s most populous country by 2027.

U.S. public has little confidence in social media companies to determine what offensive content should be removed

About two-thirds of Americans say social media companies have a responsibility to remove offensive content from their platforms, but just 31% have confidence in these companies to determine what offensive content should be removed.

Most U.S. adults feel what happens to their own racial or ethnic group affects them personally

U.S. Hispanic population reached new high in 2018, but growth has slowed

Measuring illegal immigration: How Pew Research Center counts unauthorized immigrants in the U.S.

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