Dear John:

We are in the midst of a national tragedy—and a national travesty!

More people died from COVID-19 in the United States on a single day this month than died in the 9/11 terror attacks, and we continue to have far more coronavirus deaths than any other country on the planet.

Gross negligence by Donald Trump and his political foot soldiers lie at the root of our country’s catastrophic year—but so do the efforts of Koch-funded corporate front groups and right-wing political influence operations that deny science and whip up protest over pandemic public health guidelines.

Until CMD obtained secret audio and blew the whistle, the far-Right Council for National Policy was working with the Trump campaign and White House on a plan to parade pro-Trump doctors on TV to paper over Trump’s incompetent handling of the pandemic and push for a fast reopening.

Additionally, documents obtained by CMD showed how the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a corporate lobby front group, played a leading role in the right-wing campaign to force a rapid reopening of the economy last summer against the advice of public health experts—with disastrous consequences. CMD even unearthed an ALEC sign-on letter praising Florida Gov. Ron Desantis for reopening Florida early—but they pulled it when Florida became the worst pandemic hot spot in the country as a result of the early reopening.

Trump may be leaving office, but the attacks on science, public health, and our democracy are not going to stop!

That's why CMD urgently needs your help to shine a light on the forces of disinformation and division in 2021!

Your generous tax-deductible donation to CMD will enable our investigative team to hit the ground running in the New Year to expose right-wing COVID-19 disinformation campaigns, the astroturf groups fueling division and deceit around the pandemic, and those who bankroll them.


Thanks to a $50,000 match, your year-end gift will go twice as far!
Donate Here!

So please join us now, and together let’s fight to get our citizens and our nation healthy again and win back a democracy that respects science and puts people’s lives above profits!

Thank you for your support of CMD, and stay safe and healthy in the New Year,

Arn Pearson
Executive Director, Center for Media and Democracy

Important note about the CARES Act: The CARES Act allows taxpayers to take a charitable deduction up to $300, regardless of whether deductions are itemized, and allows those who do itemize to deduct cash contributions up to 100% of Adjusted Gross Income.

CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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P.O. Box 259010
Madison, Wisconsin 53725
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