
For all the rhetoric about the importance of in-person learning for K–12 students, policymakers have failed to mitigate the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on education and provide the necessary funding to state and local governments to make it safe to do so.
Watch the video, below, and listen to what Ivey Welshans, a teacher at Middle Years Alternative School in Philadelphia, shared with EPI about the lack of funding and resources communities are receiving to ensure the safety of our students and to address the vast divides "between the haves and the have nots."

"What wealthier school districts can provide looks very different from something in an urban setting or in a very rural setting," Ivey said. "If the pandemic has done nothing else, it has glaringly shown the disparities between urban and rural and other districts that we’ve been dealing with for years."
EPI is fighting every day to address critical equity issues in all sectors of our society, including education, health care, housing, wages, and workers’ rights.
If you value EPI’s research, please consider a donation today to fight to make sure students and teachers throughout our country have the resources, funding, and support needed to safely teach and learn both during and beyond the pandemic.
Thank you for all you do to fight for an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few.
Eve Tahmincioglu
Director of Communications, Economic Policy Institute
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