
Please join us tomorrow, December 18th as we celebrate International Migrants' Day with a series of events spotlighting human rights at borders.


We Didn't Cross the Borders, the Borders Crossed Us 

A panel discussion with global voices, including Eduardo Canales, NNIRR Board member and Director of the South Texas Human Rights Center. Event organized by the Civil Society Action Committee.

9:30 am PST Live on YouTube Civil Society Action Committee channel.

International Migrants Day Vigil: Human Rights at the Border

A vigil with voices of testimony, poetry and reflections, featuring members of Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity (IM4HI) and Alma Maquitico, NNIRR Co-Director. Event co-hosted with our partners at IM4HI. 


December 18th celebrates the UN Migrant Workers Convention, a day in which the international community recognizes and celebrates the rights of migrants around the world. This year, 2020, marks the 30th anniversary of the UN's International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (commonly referred to as the Migrant Workers Convention or Migrant Rights Convention). 

For more information on the historic significance of this day, visit our IMD resource page on NNIRR's website.  

In celebrating this year, we take the opportunity to join with our colleagues to reflect on a global perspective on human rights at borders. Join us! 

And please consider supporting NNIRR's work for human rights and migrant justice. Your partnership is vital for sustaining our program.

Give today! We can't do this without you!

National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Oakland, CA | El Paso, TX

NNIRR is a nonpartisan 501c3 organization.


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