![]() Patriot, I think it’s safe to say that just about everyone is looking to close the book on 2020. Washington, D.C. is in utter chaos, business owners across the country are desperately trying to stay open, and authoritarian governors are looking for any way possible to clamp down on their citizens harder. Battles (and perhaps even bipartisan “deals”) over more corona-bailouts, mask mandates, government snooping, and socialized medicine are all in the works. Meanwhile, the unprecedented $6 Trillion that was dumped into the economy with the CARES Act and the inflation that comes with it is starting to rear its ugly head. We’re in a real mess and could be looking at a financial crisis that will be even WORSE than 2008. That’s why I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE action today. With so much at stake, I’m hoping I can count on you to go above and beyond what you’ve done in the past as you renew your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2021 -- a year that will be absolutely critical for the Liberty Movement. There’s no getting around it, we lost major ground to the statists and big government bullies in 2020. Patriot, we cannot afford to lose much more in 2021 or the America you and I love could cease to exist. One of the most alarming parts of this year is that based on the evidence that’s come out and even according to our own “Intel Community,” the November election not only was meddled with by other countries, but it very well could have been stolen! The Deep State and their buddies across the globe have been exposed and now they’re going for broke! While the contested election drags on, radicals in Congress like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez “AOC” (D-NY) are plotting to turn this country into a Central American-style socialist country, which we all know is designed to collapse. In fact, she’s in the news today calling for an end to the “moderate” Democrat control of that party’s leadership in the Congress and Senate. In her world, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are centrists. And she’s not alone… Believing their party could control the presidency, House, and Senate, Democrats are falling all over themselves to out-radical each other, including supporting: *** GUN TAXATION + CONFISCATION. Plans are being discussed by Joe Biden and his early appointees that they want to heavily tax firearms you already own like the popular AR-15. What can be taxed can be confiscated. Also looming are the very dangerous “Red Flag” gun confiscation orders that some members of Congress want to give states incentives to pass into local laws. *** Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s revived “Green New Deal.” She wants to BAN cars, air travel, FORCE every building in America to be rebuilt, and hand people “unwilling to work” fat taxpayer-funded welfare payouts! Estimates are this scheme could cost up to $92 TRILLION -- approximately $420,000 per household. *** Bullying of Churches and their worshippers. We saw many of them close down during this health crisis with barely a whimper. You can bet the bureaucrats in Washington will be looking to make as many rules as possible to keep them closed, unless they bow to the altar of big government. *** “Medicare for All” (AKA Euro-style socialized medicine). The coronavirus outbreak will no doubt be used as the latest excuse that we need government to control all aspects of our health care and our bodies. This is despite the virus being a creation of their own involvement with dangerous research in China of all places! Why should anyone trust them to be in charge of health? *** The flat-out elimination of the First Amendment. Not only does big government want you muzzled with a mask on your face, they want to censor and control ALL online speech that isn’t “government-approved” under the guise of combating “hate.” Frankly I think they’re the real haters -- of independent thought! *** Packing the U.S. Supreme Court. The recent confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett has supercharged the talk by Democrats of packing the courts to overturn the conservative majority that they cannot count on to uphold big government at every turn. With all the attention on this virus, attention has been taken off the very important issues that still face us dating back to the initial passage of The Patriot Act and the wars that still haven’t been ended, despite President Trump’s best efforts and bold statements about ending them. You see, we won’t back down from the critical fights that are still ongoing, just because the CDC wants to run our federal government and our state governments for that matter! That’s why I’m counting on you to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2021 at once. For over twelve years now, we’ve been shouting from the rooftops about: >>>The Federal Reserve’s theft of Americans’ wealth through inflation and money printing; >>> The Deep State’s domestic spying over law-abiding Americans which even ensnared our president; >>> Congress’ budget busting bills that have now resulted in several years of $Trillion deficits -- what a mess! >>> The damage done to the fabric of our society and our finances by these unconstitutional and endless overseas wars. The good news is more Americans are awake to these abuses of power and will no longer tolerate politicians who don’t move to end them. On top of all of that, signs are increasing that SEVERE economic turbulence is ahead. The Federal Reserve just announced today that they will be keeping interest rates at zero (or possibly below) until at least 2023 while the latest manufactured economic crisis works its way through the system. The Fed’s stated goal is to keep inflation at a certain “low” level, although we know they fail at that mission constantly. By keeping interest rates artificially low, it’s almost as if they’re trying to create hyper-inflation! Campaign for Liberty’s Audit the Fed bill is coming back next year, Patriot, and we’ll have some exciting announcements about that very soon. That’s the good news. As you can see, Campaign for Liberty certainly will have our hands full in 2021. But we need your financial help to give that bill the attention it deserves, gather cosponsors, petition signatures, and get the word out every step of the way when the political class uses their tricks to try to stop it. That’s why I’m counting on you to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2021 at once. With so much at stake in the coming year, I’m asking all Campaign for Liberty supporters to stretch and give as generously as they can -- $100 if you can afford it. I know that’s a lot. Especially during the holidays, but there’s so much on the line as we head into 2021. Of course, if it’s just too much right now, could you consider $50 or $35? 2020 was a very destructive year for liberty, which means that 2021 will be a dangerous time for the Liberty Movement. We cannot afford to slow down with so much on the line. I’m not going to mince words -- things look very dire at this moment in time. The answer is the same as it always has been -- grassroots patriots like you MUST take action and FORCE our politicians back to the principles embodied in the U.S. Constitution. It will take work. But it’s work our R3VOLUTION has proven we can do. So please don’t move on to the next email in your inbox or think, “I can just get to this later.” With everything on the line for liberty in 2021, I’m counting on your help. Please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty at once! For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Campaign for Liberty is waging our counter offensive NOW to all the corona tyranny, but we need to step on the accelerator and can only do that with your financial help. So please agree to your most generous contribution of $100, $50, or at least $35 to renew your support for 2021 at once! |