
Volume 23 • Issue 50 • December 17, 2020
New Jersey lawmakers today advanced legislation to the Governor legalizing the possession, production, and retail sale of marijuana to adults.
Sixty-five percent of respondents agreed with the statement, "Legalizing adult use of marijuana is a non-partisan issue that both liberal and conservative voters can get behind."
"These findings stand in sharp contrast to the sensational claims often made by legalization opponents, claims that thus far have proven to be baseless."
Thirty-four percent of respondents reported using medical cannabis in 2016 – an increase of nearly seven percentage points since 2007.
"Respondents reported clear evidence of a substitution effect, especially with respect to opioid-based analgesics, and also to other medications commonly used in the management of endometriosis-related symptoms."
"Results suggest that MC might be helpful for selected PD patients with insufficient symptom relief despite their usual anti-parkinsonian medication."
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