From CatholicVote <[email protected]>
Subject you’ll never guess
Date December 17, 2020 9:50 PM
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Dear CV Friend,

I still can't believe this...

Guess who is promoting pro-abortion Senate candidates in Georgia?

The new (and not improved) version of "Nuns on the Bus!"

GET THIS: Nuns on the Bus 2.0 are telling Catholics that Pope
Francis' teachings on "equally sacred" priorities for voters mean
Catholics can support Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff -- two
candidates that support abortion for any reason, including
late-term abortion.

Their argument?

The "social justice" group falsely claims that pro-life voters
only care about one issue, and that Republicans Loeffler and
Perdue want to harm the sick and disabled, sex-trafficking
victims, and others. These nuns are openly lying about both
candidates -- not because Loeffler and Perdue actually oppose
helping these people -- but because the candidates don't support
the nuns' prudential solution for how it must be done.

It's an old and discredited trick. But they might still fool
enough Catholics into believing their lies.

Help us fight back. Chip in to our pro-life Georgia outreach!
[link removed]

Sister Simone Campbell and her crazy crew have no problem
supporting stridently pro-abortion candidates, so it should come
as no surprise if they have no problem bearing false witness
about the Pope either.

They're campaigning for pro-abortion Democrats Jon Ossoff and
Rapheal Warnock in hopes that these two will hand control of the
Senate to Chuck Schumer. They're not even hiding it. They said,
"This special election for both Georgia Senators will determine
if President-Elect Biden has the opportunity to pass legislation
that addresses economic justice, health care, immigration policy,
climate change, and more."

Did you notice their laundry list of priorities didn't mention
anything about the unborn or religious freedom?

That's because if the Democrats take the Senate, they'll kill the
Hyde Amendment, jumpstart taxpayer funding of abortion, slam the
door on religious freedom, and codify Roe v. Wade into law.

It's totally shameful and disgusting to invoke Catholic teaching
to vote for candidates who support expanding the legal right to
end the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent children.

It's even more shameful to use the goodwill that people associate
with nuns to shill for pro-abortion candidates...

We have to fight back.
[link removed]

CatholicVote is already on the ground in Georgia.

We're blitzing the state with thousands of calls, text messages,
mailings, and a big rally this Saturday outside Planned

Our Bishops have made clear that many issues are important.
Pro-life voters are not single-issue voters. But we believe
protecting human life from the threat of abortion is the
"preeminent" issue. And for good reason.

If you're in the Atlanta area, please join us this Saturday
morning in Marietta ([link removed]). We'll be
singing Christmas carols outside Planned Parenthood to bring
light and hope to a place of darkness and suffering. Then we will
be rallying voters with special guests Abby Johnson and Alveda
King! Our goal is to spread the message of the great hope of
Advent and motivate Catholics and Christians to get out the vote,
and send them home with signs, stickers, and encouragement.

And on top of this, we're planning a full-court press with a
barrage of ads targeting Catholics across the state for the next
three weeks.

Anything you can do to help fuel this effort will be much
appreciated. Chip in here:
[link removed]

I know you realize that if Democrats take these two seats, they
capture the Senate.

We cannot let that happen!

Help us fight back.


P.‌O. Box 259‌837 | Madi‌son, WI 53725 | (312) 201-6559

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