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December 17, 2020
The website of a Jewish high school in suburban New York was hacked and defaced with swastikas and antisemitic slurs. A member of a Chabad in Lexington was severely injured when a driver shouting antisemitic slurs dragged and ran over him outside the Jewish Student Center near the University of Kentucky. And the Senate passed a bipartisan bill by unanimous consent upgrading the status of the State Department Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism.
Read on for more on these headlines, news you can use to fight hate and the latest info about ADL from around the country.
NY Jewish High School’s Website Defaced with Neo-Nazi Imagery
“The homepage of the North Shore Hebrew Academy High School’s website displayed a video of Nazis marching, according to footage posted to Twitter by Monday. The website also played a song with the words ‘Let the Jews die.’” JTA:
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ADL New York tweet: “We are in close contact with the school and working with law enforcement to find out more…”
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Jonathan Greenblatt tweet: “The horrific #antisemitic incident involving North Shore Hebrew Academy was a truly disgusting act of #hate.”
Driver Shouted Antisemitic Slurs, Ran Over Man at Menorah Lighting
“As bystanders rushed to help him, though, the injured man insisted the ceremony continue before getting medical attention, the Chabad’s rabbi said.” The Washington Post:
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ADL Cleveland tweet: “We're horrified by the attack at #ChabadOfTheBluegrass. There's no place for hate & antisemitism in KY…”
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ADL Resource: H.E.A.T Map
Senate Votes to Upgrade Antisemitism Special Envoy to Ambassador Status
“Per the terms of the legislation, the special envoy — a position currently held by former Los Angeles County deputy district attorney Elan Carr — would be the primary advisor and coordinator for U.S. government efforts to monitor and combat antisemitism abroad.” Jewish Insider:
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Jonathan Greenblatt tweet: “While the House showed great leadership passing a version of this bill in Jan 2019, we encourage them to now pass this updated version…”
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From 2019: ADL Welcomes House Passage of Anti-Semitism Envoy Bill
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As one of the oldest civil-rights organizations in the Jewish community, ADL is not unaccustomed to criticism. But a recent op-ed suggesting we fall along the side of Islamophobes is patently false…
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For those who wonder about Iran and its intentions, watch this clip from @MEMRIReports and hear what @JZarif says about Israel…
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ADL applauds @MuslimAdvocates & the 30 Members of Congress who shared these recommendations for eliminating anti-Muslim animus on Facebook…
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The big lesson of 2020: We have to fight to preserve and expand the right to the vote | Opinion (Pennsylvania Capital-Star -- Shira Goodman op-ed)
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Massachusetts police officer resigns after swastika carving incident (Boston Herald)
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The New Neighborhood Watch: After Protests, Utah Sees Birth Of Different Armed Movements (NPR Utah)
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ADL: We’re proud of our record defending Jews — and Muslims (Forward -- Jonathan Greenblatt op-ed)
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The ‘Terrorgram’ Plot by Neo-Nazis to Seduce Anti-Vaxxers (The Daily Beast)
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How Trump’s War on Fox News Is Amplifying Conspiracy Theories and Antisemitism (Haaretz)
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