Our work organizing in the Midwest saved our country by doing what the establishment refused to do and ensure that Trump and his fascistic agenda lost in November. Now that we are ramping up in a big way to do the same thing in Georgia, the most racist and authoritarian elements of the American oligarchy are gearing up to stop us. Fox News recently reported that the Koch and Robert Mercer-backed Heartland Institute is sounding the alarm internally about the threat we pose to their puppet Mitch continuing to rule the Senate. The well-paid bootlickers at the Heartland Institute tracked candidates endorsed by Our Revolution and two other allied groups in 2020 and concluded that “Of the 266 far-left or socialist candidates* evaluated in the races, nearly 90% won.” John, even Fox News and the personal think tanks of the worst right-wing oligarchs are acknowledging how much of a threat Our Revolution’s organizing poses to their plan to keep Mitch McConnell in charge so he can block all progressive legislation. With less than a month to go until the Senate runoffs, can we count on you to pitch in to help fund our critical organizing in Georgia?
If you’ve stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.

Onward, The whole team at Our Revolution *Our Revolution and our candidates back broadly popular progressive positions supported by a majority of Americans. The characterization as “far-left” is delusional. Perhaps it’s a symptom of licking the boots of oligarch funders. Chip in here to help us beat big money in politics and win both races in Georgia!
