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 News of the Week

NYC Households With Children Hit Hardest by Economic Loss in Pandemic, Analysis Finds
“Basically what this tells you is hardship is widespread in New York City, but deeply felt by the people that can least afford to lose income,” says Jennifer March, CCC’s executive director.

Non-Violent Offenders Remain Exposed to COVID-19 Despite Qualifying for Release
Infection numbers are rising in the state prison system. But some inmates facing short sentences and bearing high health risks are still inside.

Mayoral Hopeful Donovan Outlines Vision for Addressing Climate Change

The unusually detailed policy document calls for zero-emissions buildings, pooled philanthropic funding for parks and more attention to the historic injustices embedded in environmental risks.

In Mayor’s Race, Adams and Stringer Get $7M in Public Money
Dozens of other municipal candidates also cashed in on the first round of payments from the city’s matching funds system. Candidates who accept public financing agree to abide by spending limits and, if they are seeking citywide offices, to participate in televised debates.

Housing Worries Top Seniors’ Concerns in 2021 Mayoral Race
The next mayor will oversee a period of profound demographic change as New York City gets grayer.

Manhattan DA Candidate Pitches Crackdown on Wage Theft
Alvin Bragg says prosecutors need to use criminal laws and surveillance techniques—and be willing to put employers behind bars.

The 2021 municipal races are well underway, and CityVote is here to stay. 

Let us keep you up to date on all the accelerating 2021 races in NYC.

On this episode of The Check In, City Limits’ housing reporter Sadef Kully discusses the city’s shift to online public hearings and meetings, which make it easier for some New Yorkers to attend but has drawn other complaints.

Una Ciudad sin Límites

¿Cómo se desarrolló la campaña de Trump enfocada en los latinos en Florida?
Se crearon 46 sedes o “centros comunitarios” del partido. Cinco de ellos enfocados para la coalición de afroamericanos, cinco para Latinos for Trump, la coalición de latinos, y dos para la coalición de asiáticos.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: Developing 920 Park Place Jeopardizes the Community and the Landmarks’ Process
‘1607 Surf Ave. can begin to address the pain of the housing and food instability that many in this community face every day, and offer an economic boost for the neighborhood as well.’

Opinion: Moving Toward Just Land Use and Housing Policies in NYC
‘Across the city, the mayor and developers are pushing rezonings and development projects that attempt to rip out the fertile roots of people and place, to wholly redefine city neighborhoods for a wealthier and whiter population.’

Opinion: Domestic Violence Survivors Need Culturally-Sensitive Court Services
‘While the scourge of domestic violence is found within all communities, ultra-Orthodox Jewish women face additional and unique challenges. Understanding how someone’s culture heavily informs the choices they make, enables us to better serve domestic violence survivors and also eliminates barriers.’ 

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