December Newsletter
Disfigured History, the Pandemic Power Grab, and a New Book from Peter Wood

Featured Articles

November 16, 2020

Disfigured History: How the College Board Demolishes the Past

David Randall

This new report details the careless, politicized history in the College Board's revisions of the Advanced Placement (AP) European, United States, and World History course and exam descriptions.

December 09, 2020

Why I Left the AHA and Joined the NAS

Johanna Neuman

A long-time journalist-turned historian explains why she left the American Historical Association to join the National Association of Scholars, citing the AHA's cowardice amid the events of 2020.

November 30, 2020

University Administrators’ Pandemic Power Grab

Neetu Arnold

Universities are taking advantage of the pandemic to "hollow out the middle," that is, to defenestrate full-time and tenured faculty from their positions of influence in the university.

November 20, 2020

U.S. Education Reform is Necessary for International Security

Neetu Arnold

The State Department has released a new report titled "The Elements of the China Challenge," which examines the global threats posed by the CCP and sets forth goals to counteract it.


Open Letter: McGill Must Defend Prof. Salzman and Academic Freedom

Students at McGill University are demanding the removal of Professor Philip Carl Salzman's Emeritus status. Click to read and sign the NAS's counter-petition.

Peter W. Wood Publishes New Book 1620: A Critical Response to the 1619 Project

In his new book, NAS President Peter Wood presents the primary critiques of the 1619 Project and argues that the proper starting point for the American story is 1620 in Plymouth Colony.

James C. Thompson Seeking Reviewer for Forthcoming Book Series

Independent scholar James C. Thompson is seeking reviewers for his forthcoming book trilogy, The American Revolutions Series. If you are interested, contact him at​​​.

Walter E. Williams: What I've Learned About Teaching Well

In remembrance of a great economist and professor, we republish Prof. Williams' essay of advice to any future educator who wants to teach well.


Mapping Higher Education's Future After the Election

How can American higher education best pursue the American national interest? What does that challenge look like in the wake of 2020? View our November 12 conference recording here.

Member Publications

Roland Alum

"¿Por qué la Izquierda le ha declarado la guerra a la compañía hispana Goya Foods?" [Why has the Left declared war vs. the Hispanic company Goya Foods]
Libertad Digital. July 30, 2020. 

John Ellis

Robert Maranto

"Why Trump’s conspiracies take hold: There are good reasons millions of Americans have a corrosive distrust of the news media"
New York Daily News. November 25, 2020.

"Lessons in Cuba: Missile, covid responses revealing"
Arkansas Democrat Gazette. November 07, 2020.

John S. Thomas

Astronomical Weather
Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2020.

Robert Turner

"The Second Amendment protects 'weapons of war'"
Washington Examiner. November 16, 2020. 

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