ECGOP Spotlight
December 17, 2020
Ward 1 | Thomas Newman
Councilman, City of Tonawanda
After winning upset, back-to-back elections in 2018 and 2019, Councilman Thomas Newman is the loud and proud Republican voice in the City of Tonawanda.
"I am a Republican because I believe in honesty and integrity above all else. I support our military and veterans, stand with police and first responders, and am proud to be an American. I was taught to take opportunity by the horns and that the American Dream was ours for the taking. I want that same opportunity for my children and grandchildren."
The City of Tonawanda was struggling financially long before the financial pressures of Covid-19. It is only because of Newman's strong Republican backbone, that our core tenants of fiscal responsibility have alleviated some of the financial pain for City of Tonawanda taxpayers.
Thomas Newman was born and raised in the 1st Ward of the City of Tonawanda, and he is proud to serve as their Republican voice in City Hall. Tom is a 34-year electrician by trade, and is the Project Supervisor, running the family business Newman Electric. Active in the community, Newman is a life member of the National Hose Fire Company and has been a volunteer firefighter for 16 years, Auxillary Police Officer for 6 years, and St. Edmund's baseball and Basketball Coach in his spare time.
Councilman Thomas Newman has been a voice of common sense, tamping down rampant Democrat spending, holding the line on taxes, and demanding respect for our Police, Firefighters, and first responders.