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Cheer and Gratitude from DRA

Dear DRA family, friends, supporters, and allies,

Somehow, we’ve come to the end of a tumultuous 2020.  We’d like to end this tough year by thanking each and every one of you for your continued support and by sharing some of the things we’re grateful for.

Thanks to DRA in 2020:
  • New York City’s crosswalk signals will be made accessible and safer for people with disabilities
  • HBO Max’s online streaming service will have enhanced accessibility
  • Westchester County, New York will put in place life-saving emergency preparedness plans protecting people with disabilities
  • New York and North Carolina’s absentee voting programs will be made accessible
  • The Long Island Railroad will install elevators and make other station accessibility improvements
  • Incarcerated youth with disabilities in Kern County will have access to the rehabilitation and education they need and deserve
  • Students with mobility disabilities at West Los Angeles College secured the right to have their transportation needs accommodated
  • ICE is now required to consider release for incarcerated people with disabilities with COVID-19 risk factors
  • Mobility Works will become accessible for drivers with disabilities and
  • The New York Police Department has been ordered to provide access to its community precincts to persons with disabilities.
This list is by no means comprehensive of DRA’s 2020 impact.  And it sure does give us all a lot to be proud of and grateful for. 

Thanks to you and to DRA, we’re all a little closer to achieving a world where people with disabilities can participate equally.
Sending you and yours gratitude and holiday cheer. 

Here’s to a brighter 2021,
Kate, Stuart and the DRA Team
Disability Rights Advocates
2001 Center Street, Fourth Floor
Berkeley, CA 94704

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