Dear John,
Take action to protect people who have to work during the pandemic.
Right now, Congress is considering stripping worker protections and undermining workplace safety during this deadly pandemic. This would likely lead to more illness and death. Demand Congress oppose stripping protections for people at work.
This provision would shield corporations from accountability, even if their actions lead to outbreaks among their workers or nearby communities. It essentially strips safety protections for all industries during the worst health crisis in our lifetime.
Demand Congress protect people over corporate profits. Demand it stop the spread of COVID at work.
As long as people have to work without protective measures while the pandemic rages, we’ll see more illness and death.
If Congress passes this provision, corporations could have immunity from lawsuits and federal and state penalties even if they fail to implement simple, basic safety measures. They could operate as they see fit, without any regard for the lives of the people who work there or nearby communities.
This could mean the safety of everyday people who have no choice but to work in their places of business would be at the whim of their company leaders – who may be all too tempted to prioritize profits over physical distancing and providing masks and sanitizer.
Help protect Americans from sneaky corporate giveaways.
Stripping worker protections and undermining workplace safety during the pandemic actively harms any progress made towards combatting the virus. But Congress wants to rig the rules for corporations at the expense of essential workers.
It is time for elected officials to ensure every worker is protected. People have the right to not have to worry about their safety while they provide for their families.
Demand your Members of Congress prioritize worker safety over corporate profits throughout the pandemic.
Standing with you,
Chloë Waterman,
Climate-friendly food campaign program manager,
Friends of the Earth