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Stand with AIPAC today.
Dear Friend of Israel,
Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, spending more than $7 billion annually in recent years to fund terrorism across the region and around the world.
Since the JCPOA, Iran has taken U.S. soldiers hostage, advanced its ballistic missile program, launched attacks against us, Israel, & Saudi Arabia, and armed Hezbollah, Hamas, and Assad.
That is why we must urge America’s leaders to maintain our sanctions on Iran until the regime changes course. The United States must lead efforts to achieve a broader and more effective deal with Iran that address its:
Nuclear program, including the JCPOA's sunset clauses and inspection flaws.
Ballistic missile program, that endangers Israel, America’s allies, and U.S. troops in the region.
Regional aggression and support for terrorist proxies.
By working with AIPAC, you will help us work with members of the 117th Congress—on both sides of the aisle—to address the growing threat from Iran that affects the safety and security of both the United States and Israel.
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Our year-end fundraising deadline ends in 14 days. Please show your support by joining AIPAC today.
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Thank you.
P.S. AIPAC’s ability to work with Congress to counter Iranian aggression depends on support from AIPAC members like you.
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Please show your support by joining AIPAC before December 31 and help us work with the 117th Congress to address this and other threats facing Israel.
The mission of AIPAC is to strengthen and expand the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of the United States and Israel.
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