2020 SOHNH Annual Report featuring: The Intersection of Unsheltered Homelessness and COVID-19 in New Hampshire Email not displaying correctly?
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NH Coalition to End Homelessness Releases its 20120 Report on Homelessness in NH

Report Shows Homelessness Already on the Rise Pre-Pandemic, Further Complicated By COVID-19

We are pleased to announce the release of the 2020 State of Homelessness Report! 

This report, which can be accessed here, indicates that prior to the onset of the pandemic, there was an already 21 percent increase from 2019 in overall homelessness in New Hampshire based on data collected in the Point-In-Time Count. The challenges created by COVID-19 further exacerbated homelessness in New Hampshire over the course of 2020.
A special issue brief within this year’s report highlights the sudden increase in unsheltered homelessness across the state due to the pandemic. It also provides insights on common trends, early responses, on-going challenges, and possible next steps to further support this vulnerable population as the pandemic continues.

“In a system that was overburdened before the pandemic, it is critical that additional investments are made to protect the most vulnerable members of our community both during the pandemic and beyond", said Stephanie Savard, Director of the NHCEH.  “This will require diverse solutions to meet the needs of those who are living unsheltered, an immediate response to minimize the inevitable wave of evictions for those who are precariously housed, and support to property owners to ensure long-ter
m stability.”

The 2020 State of Homelessness in New Hampshire report also provides an overview of racial and ethnic disparities in homelessness in New Hampshire. Multi-Racial and Black/African-American people make up 2.7 percent of the general population in New Hampshire, yet are almost four times more likely to be homeless. The pandemic has increased awareness and recognition of how people of color continue to suffer from our long history of housing discrimination and racism that remains embedded in so many of our current policies and practices.

Download the Full 2020 State of Homelessness Annual Report Here!

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122 Market St.
Manchester, NH 03101

P. 603.641.9441
E. info@nhceh.org

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